Originally published by PLUS
Join us this next week in Eugene, Oregon at the Park Blocks in front of the Lane County Courthouse on 8th St at 2 pm on Saturday, June 15th for our Pride Rally Against Pinkwashing!
If you aren’t aware, Pinkwashing is a tactic of imperialism that weaponizes the LGBT+ symbolism and issues to bolster the interest of imperialist institutions and attack countries outside the imperialist bloc. It does not serve the interests of the LGBT+ working class anywhere. Israel showcases a key example of this, as we wrote about in the Stonewall Lives! Bulletin. Please bring signs and flags that encompass both the LGBT+ struggle and the Palestinian struggle.
Wearing a mask is highly recommended. Bring water as well, it’s gonna be warm!
Stay tune for more updates as local organizations endorse this event and we can provide more details!